Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Vampire Life:A Story of Exhaustion.

 Hello Dolls!
So, today I'm gonna talk about running yourself into the ground. I know  so many of us have busy lives, school, work, kids, activities, social events, the list goes on and on. Sometimes you have to stop and realize you need to stop, sit, and regenerate. Yesterday was one of those days for me. All week long I had trouble sleeping so I stayed up and tried to write and if i couldn't do that I watched reality T.V. or did homework. so for about 6 or seven days of not sleeping well on  top of running around, cleaning house and homework my body decided to revolt. I got home yesterday afternoon from having a short window shopping session with a friend I rarely get to see and ended up crashing on my computer for about ten hours. I felt like crap when I got home but after that coma I was in i felt better but still tired. Sometimes we forget that we aren't superwomen and we can't do everything. Not getting enough rest and taking care of yourself can really make you sick and yesterday I really felt it.
 I realized my odd schedule of working nights might be coming to an end. After 9 years of working nights my body needs to recuperate and begin a normal living cycle and not one of a vampire, not matter how much I love them. So, I've started the online job search, lets hope I can find something to help me get back on track.

 How many of you find yourself run down and just plain exhausted? Have you made any changes to remedy this? What has helped you?


  1. Hey doll!!

    I get a cup of valarian tea, sit in front of a movie, either something old or something with a lot of shooting (i.e. Expendables, Terminator 2) and let my mind zone out. I always try to take a time out to recharge my batteries.

    1. Yum I love tea and action flicks. Sounds like you have a great recipe to decompress. Sometimes with this busy life we lead we forget to take time for ourselves.

  2. Some times you let the laundry dishes or whater go and take a nice long bubble bath. Glass of wine

    1. Cherryce wine is a huge savior for sure! I am working on schoolwork and the book today but this evening I have some Peroni (Italian beer) and Rose' wine waiting for me. I don't know which will get it first but i'm definitely cracking into one of them. LOL.

  3. Hey Chica

    I know how you feel. Rome wasn't built in a day, but when we're on a roll sometimes it's hard to stop.

    I used to work a full time job and a night job years back for a year and it was exhausting. I can't imagine nine years, God bless you woman. Just a few years ago for me it was a full time job and school for fourteen months.

    My SO was getting on my case because last week I stayed up all night working on some designs and edits. By the time he got me in bed it was 2:30 in the morning and he was seriously concerned because he knows how I get burnt out at times. The night before last I was horrible again, awake all night with the exception of 20 min power nap. Last night after working I washed my hair, yeah started at 12:30 a.m. and didn't get to bed until 2:30 a.m. and woke up with a headache from hell.

    Be sure to eat plenty of green leafy vegetables, spinach, Kale,etc. Eat lean meat, up your iron. Sometimes I get low on my iron and that's not good. Drink plenty of water, cranberry and green tea to flush your system out. It does work. Don't eat too much sugar or you'll wind up feeling worse than you do. I know it's hard sometimes but 4 -6 hours of sleep is useful too. I usually can get by on 4, when I go to bed on time.

    That's another problem. If I fall asleep too early, say around 9:30 or 10:00, I'm awake at 2 or 3 in the morning. So sometimes I can't win either way.

    I've had to prioritize and set aside some time for my body to rejuvenate itself. For me I write a few hours out of the day and then work on covers a couple more hours in the day. I prefer to have my business out of the way so I'm available for my family when they get home, but there are times when I drift towards a story or a design, or even Facebook. I've been known to check my messages at night when I actually do make it to bed and supposed to be sleeping. * smh *

    Good Lord, I've written a book here. We need Skype or something. ; )

    1. Wow great advice! I have noticed a lot of people mentioning working out. I really do need to start back up. Getting myself on a schedule will be the hard part. you have written a book but I do have skype you can pm me if you want my scrn name. :) Thank you for all the advice!

  4. Ooh I know this lifestyle well. For me though it's not a night shift job it's a 5 month old with a two year old sister, lol. I find drinking plenty of water a balanced diet, taking calcium, prenatal, and amino acid vitamins has really helped give me an extra boost combined with just 30 minutes of work out. I had to stop after the operation and i so noticed a difference.

    1. Girl you are superwoman! I don't know how you do it even with the balanced diet and vitamins. I am definitely gonna have to get on a vitamin regimen too since you mention it. You gals are giving me some great advice! Thank you :) and I hope you are fully recovered soon. <3
