Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Vampire Life:A Story of Exhaustion.

 Hello Dolls!
So, today I'm gonna talk about running yourself into the ground. I know  so many of us have busy lives, school, work, kids, activities, social events, the list goes on and on. Sometimes you have to stop and realize you need to stop, sit, and regenerate. Yesterday was one of those days for me. All week long I had trouble sleeping so I stayed up and tried to write and if i couldn't do that I watched reality T.V. or did homework. so for about 6 or seven days of not sleeping well on  top of running around, cleaning house and homework my body decided to revolt. I got home yesterday afternoon from having a short window shopping session with a friend I rarely get to see and ended up crashing on my computer for about ten hours. I felt like crap when I got home but after that coma I was in i felt better but still tired. Sometimes we forget that we aren't superwomen and we can't do everything. Not getting enough rest and taking care of yourself can really make you sick and yesterday I really felt it.
 I realized my odd schedule of working nights might be coming to an end. After 9 years of working nights my body needs to recuperate and begin a normal living cycle and not one of a vampire, not matter how much I love them. So, I've started the online job search, lets hope I can find something to help me get back on track.

 How many of you find yourself run down and just plain exhausted? Have you made any changes to remedy this? What has helped you?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Hello again,
 Today I'm going to talk a little bit about distractions. Being a student and working full time I find it really hard to be able to sit down and focus on my craft when I have school and regular work in the same day. I know it comes easy to many but it's just not the case with me. I have to have a virtually silent environment with the exception of music I choose.  Lately it seems no one in my house can settle down and be silent enough for me to focus and it's driving me insane. So like many others I spend time screwing off online.
 Two of the biggest distractions  that come into play are social media and Netflix  You don't really realize how much time you spend on these sites until you realize you haven't gotten anything done. It's almost a compulsion sometimes to check the social media sites multiple times a day for new content. Knowing I do this now I am going to start a new approach to things and try to get my household on a schedule. Two hours every day where no one can talk, inbox, tweet, or text me. We shall see if this works. Then maybe I can sleep again since the only time I can write is when they're asleep. LOL
I'll keep you all posted on how this works out.

 Do any of you have certain conditions you work best under? Things that push you off focus? let me know and leave a comment.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Wild new world of blogging!

 Hello Bloggers!
 So today I decided to finally jump into the wide world of blogging! I must say it's a lot less painless than I thought it would be. I am usually a quick learner when it comes to technology but blogging never really made sense to me until recently. As you know I'm a student and recently I started a new social media communications class, my final project is also to create a blog so I decided why not try it out here first.

 In other news I am working on a contemporary Christmas story that I will hopefully be done with by the end of this week. I'll update you all when I send it in for submission which will hopefully be sometime next week. It seems as though it's taking me forever to finish anything these days, I know I'm not the only person who feels this way either. Working full time and being a full time student has really put a toll on me in the past few years but I am determined to make this work. So  while I'm waiting on my school books to arrive I hope to have something for you all to nibble on while I finish my longer works which are a jumble of different genre's including IR/Fantasy, IR/Contemporary, and IR/paranormal works.

 If you would like a hot sample of what I have to offer please check out my free read over at Xoxo Publishing,  Also if you would like to get in touch with me Via Facebook check the links at the bottom of the page.

 Have a wonderful day,

 Link to my short Submissive Desires:Submissive Desires
Link to my Facebook page:Alyssandra on Facebook

Also if you are interested in who made my banner please check out the talented romance author and graphic designer Charisma Knight here: Charisma Knight-Graphic Design